Daily Meditation, Inspirations, and Practices for the Sacred Masculine FEBRUARY 12
- Note: These chapters will be intermittent as I take an intensive training with Kundalini Yoga School for much of the coming week, as well as teaching the online and IRL Yoga for Lovers classes. FMI about these classes (they are all, in their way, part of the Path of the Sacred Masculine that I teach, that I walk on my Apprenticeship to Love: http://sacredbodies.ca/events
- Today’s question: Feeling into this moment, am I still enough to feel all of what life (aka the divine feminine, She Who Must be Known) offers me?
- Today's suggested practice: Day 7 of this month's practice with Leroy Gordon (see video, below)
- My playlist while writing today's meditation: Silence, because I am listening…
- My practice: 6am: 60 minutes of yogic practice, including guided meditation for the stomach meridian (earth element).
- My vulnerability practice: I’m tired, feeling worn, resting, and knowing that her need is endless I breathe a deeper strength into this moment…
Hans Peter Meyer
VIDEOMen, How long do you wait?
As we approach Valentine’s Day some of us will feel dread.
For many masculine-identified men, the dread is not knowing how to give our beloved what will make her happy (&, if we’re honest, make her want to f*ck us afterwards).
Of course, our goal-oriented manipulations (the goals of one, avoiding her displeasure, and two, having access to her portals of pleasure) almost invariably doom us to failure. She feels us in a way we can only wonder at in amazement; or dread. She feels us in a way she wishes we could feel her. And, disappointed (as she so often is when she opens her heart, and especially in these commercialized rituals of heart-opening that prey on her desire to be known, fully, by her lover), she closes. Or, perhaps, if we’re lucky, has pity. Offers us a crumb of the cake we would have.
What if, for a change, as an experiment, as a going-out-on-a-limb risk that tests our own commitment to being the man we think we are… What if we, you and me as the masculine-identified men we believe ourselves to be, what if we took the risk of making our goal our own opening to whatever the moment brings? And that means *everything* our beloved brings to us. And especially her disappointment. And including her closure. And including her rage. And including her pity. Every bit of it.
What, instead of the dread of displeasure & defeat, we committed ourselves to sitting with her & with our discomfort? What if you and I, as the men we so want to be, just sat with all of this, giving her our deepest attention, ever?
You cannot buy that gift. Though it comes as an option with every box of chocolates, every dinner out, every negligee and spa date and subscription to Panty by Post, everything and anything you think will make her happy.
So this Valentine’s Day we take the option to give our attention to everything that flows from our desperate offerings (desperate because most of us aren’t really paying attention so what we grasp at, the clichéd gifts of love are our drowning-man’s attempts to stay above the ocean She is, the ocean that is always overwhelming us with its tides and currents and mysteries…). Taking the option of risk, and beginning to feel into this moment of our discomfort, and her disappointment, and her desire, we begin to know what the moment between us needs. Not what you or I, as masculine-identified men *think* she wants, but what you and I *know* this very moment needs.
Today is but two days before the dreaded V-day. This day, every “today,” is a good day to start taking this option.
Know this: Her wants, to the extent that she is feminine-identified woman, are endless. Her need is for our deepest, most grounded attention, this is both endless, and something you and I, as the masculine-identified men we aspire to be, are able to be —not “give,” not “achieve,” but “be,” because we practice.
This is a hard practice for most of us men who are masculine-identified and who love feminine-identified women. Probably the hardest practice. With the richest treasures: witnessing and knowing the beauty of life.
Today is the day to begin the practice.
Begin it now.
ps. Thank you to Katrine @darkfemininedesire for showing me Simaya Priya’s words. Please read the full post on Instagram @simaya.priya
pps. The next Yoga for Lovers (online and in real life) February 25. See sacredbodies.ca/events for details.
🌀 To deeply meet one another in sacred intimacy lovers must first deeply feel one another. (Simaya Priya)
🌀Now, the practice of yoga begins. (Patanjali, Yoga Sutra 1.1)
🌀And you, you see me. You hear me. You know me. (My beloved, my Oracle, my Siren)
Day 7 of this month's practice, take about 11 minutes today to sit and join Leroy Gordon in a beautiful “Sacred Warrior” meditation (because all of us, however we identify, can benefit from some loving attention to our “warrior” pursuing/achieving/protective capacities)
Please read through first, then ...
- Today, sit (or stand) in stillness as you listen to your heart, your belly, your sex, your root and let this question stir within you…. Feeling into this moment, am I still enough to feel all of what life (aka the divine feminine, She Who Must be Known) offers me?…Allow Leroy to help you soften and open your masculine “warrior,” whether you identify as masculine or feminine we all use this energy to strive, struggle, protect ourselves, etc. It can be a huge barrier for all of us, to receiving what is already here for us.
- Set your timer for 11 minutes or listen to or watch Leroy:
- As the timer signals or the video ends allow your eyes to slowly open. Take three, relaxed breath cycles, no pressing, no effort, and feel yourself full, without thoughts, open. Safe to receive. Then, step into your day, letting the mantra echo as a nourishing vibration whenever you become still. You don't need to DO anything. Let the world come to you with its demands, its complaints, and yes, its endless tide of gifts and blessings.
***Yoga for Lovers, a new online and IRL offering for Valentine’s date nights, and beyond. FMI see sacredbodies.ca/events